
Chinese Herbs for Gray Hair and Hair Loss 1

The Chinese have made use of herbal remedies for nearly everything and gray hair is no exception. During their days of experimentation the chinese discovered a herb that the found to useful for treatment of gray hair. This particular herb is known as Heshouwu in China and goes by the name of Polygonim multiflorum in the English speaking world.
The Chinese herb for gray hair known as Heshouwu was discovered to be an excellent dietary supplement under traditional Chinese medicine. This all natural ingredient helped to provide nourishment to the kidney and liver as well as the blood. Although there were a number of different herbs identified to the helpful for gray hair Heshouwu became the most popular herbal remedy for gray hair. The name “Heshouwu” Actually means “a head full of black hair.”
According to Chinese medical theory the condition of your hair is actually a reflection of the internal system of the body. The practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine identified weaknesses in the kidney and liver resulted in symptoms such as gray hair as well as hair loss. Hence they sought to cure the problem of gray hair by enriching the body with nutrients that would help it recover from the weaknesses in the kidney and liver.
The most common way in which Heshouwu it taken a orally in the form of a dietary supplement. Most Chinese herbalists recommend that the patient should continue the use of this herb on a long term basis. Today you will be able to find specially formulated lotions made from Heshouwu extract. Such lotions are used primarily for hair loss but can also help against graying hair.
Heshouwu(Polygonim multiflorum)
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