
The Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming

Three Yang Meridians of Foot
The Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming
The Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming originates from the lateral aspect of ala nasi. It ascends to the bridge of the nose, where it meets the Bladder Meridian of Foot Taiyang. Turning downward along the lateral aspect of the nose, it enters the upper gum. Reemerging, it curves round the lips and descends to meet the Ren Meridian at the mentolabial groove Chengjiang(CV24). Then it runs posterior laterally across the lower portion of the cheek at Daying. Winding along the angle of the mandible Jiache(ST6), it ascends in front of the ear and traverses Shangguan(GB3) of the Gallbladder Meridian of Foot Shaoyang. Then if follows the anterior hair line and reaches the forehead. The facial branch emerging in front of Daying(ST5) runs downward to Renying(ST9). From there it goes along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa. Descending, it passes through the diaphragm, enters the stomach, its pertaining organ, and connects with the spleen. The straight portion of the meridian arising from the supraclavicular fossa runs downward passing through the nipple. It descends by the umbilicus and enters Qichong(ST30) on the lateral aspect of the lower abdomen. The branch from the lower orifice of the stomach descends in the abdomen and joins the previous portion of the meridian at Qichong(ST30). Further running downwards, traversing Biguan(ST31), and further through Femur Futu(ST32), it reaches the knee. From there, it continues downward along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia, passes through the dorsum of the foot, and reaches the lateral aspect of the tip of the 2nd toe. The tibial branch emerges from Zusanli(ST36), 3cun below the knee, and enters the lateral aspect of the middle toe. The branch from the dorsum of the foot rises from Chongyang(ST42) and terminates at the medial aspect of the tip of the great toe.
The Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming
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