Online Courses

The online courses are designed for those who are interested in traditional Chinese

medicine and acupuncture. We offer series online courses for distance learning, covering from basic to clinical contents. Welcome to join us!

Courses AB

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses CD

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses EF

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses GH

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses ABCD

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses ABEF

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses CDGH

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses EFGH

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses ABCDGH

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply

Courses ABEFGH

You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply


You will have no difficulty in acupuncture

$100.00 Apply


  • Register----Login----Select Courses----Submit
  • We will contact you by E-mail after receiving your registration, and help you complete the payment (
  • The selected courses will be opened after receiving your payment as soon as possible.
  • You may log in with the username and password you have registered and begin your study, or enter individual learning center to edit your information. A tutor will guide you during learning period.

If you have other questions, pleases contact us by

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